Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Woe is me, well, Tim actually

So, this morning I called Tim to talk about all the things he needed to do in Chicago before heading back home and he told me that he was in the immediate care center. I have to admit, I was a bit shocked. Apparently his knee had been bothering him a little yesterday, but last night when he tried to climb the stairs to go to bed he couldn't bend or flex his leg. He woke up around 1am and couldn't even get out of bed to get medicine. Luckily, Dolly was awake and got him some drugs! Then around 5 he woke again to excruciating pain and, luckily again, Dolly had left him some crutches. He hobbled into the bathroom, took more pills and passed out. So, he called in to work, went with Doll to the care center and they told him to head to the ER because it could be a blood clot and they needed to do an ultra sound. Well, hours and hours later we found out it wasn't a clot (Hallelujah!) and that it was just stressed ligaments. Drama is, he can't drive home (he has a manual car) and I have to go up to get him. He has to stay off of his leg for a week. How we're going to pay the bills is beyond me, but I'm just grateful it's not a clot! So, tomorrow I head to Chicago on a 4 hour bus trip to bring Tim home where he can recuperate in peace and quiet, HA!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

me? a blogger? guess so...

Welp, it's official. I've joined the ranks. I just wonder why people will want to read what I do all day. I think it's interesting that this has become so commonplace. I'm amazed that moms all across the world type away every day to let all others know all the details of their lives. I think it will be an adventure, I hope I won't regret it and I hope some will read it.